167 In-Demand Services To Offer as a Virtual Assistant

If you’re seriously thinking of becoming a virtual assistant, but you’re not sure which services to offer, then here is a massive list of the most in-demand virtual assistant services which will practically guarantee that you’ll be able to find clients who are more than happy to pay you for these services.

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From crafting captivating content to mastering social media, we’ve got you covered. Explore in-demand skills that’ll make you an indispensable virtual assistant –  and I also outline some savvy tips ensure you choose the perfect niche!

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Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this ultimate list is your roadmap to virtual assistant victory.

I’m sure that you’re going to be inspired, motivated, and armed with the tools to create a massively successful virtual assistant business.

So without further-ado, here’s my list of 169 in-demand virtual assistant services clients are clamouring for, and which will practically guarantee that you have a full and healthy client rota.

This list of virtual assistant services is divided by niche.

So here are 17 niches, and then the services are listed under each niche.

In-Demand Virtual Assistant Services:

Niche #1: Administration

  • Managing Diary/Calendar/Schedule
  • Building/Managing Databases
  • General Data Entry
  • Setting up Spreadsheets
  • Carrying Out Research
  • Making Travel Arrangements
  • Creating Slide Shows

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Niche #2: Email Inbox Management

  • Replying To Common Question
  • Follow-Up Emails
  • Unsubscribing from Unwanted Emails
  • Deleting Spam
  • Tagging & Archiving Emails
  • Setting Up Diary > Reminders
  • Creating Draft Responses
  • Forwarding Messages To Team

Related Reading: How To Become a Freelance Inbox Virtual Assistant

Niche #3: Project Management

  • Monitoring Progress
  • Creating Progress Charts
  • Creating Reports & Gathering Docs.
  • Setting Up New Tools
  • Looking for Stakeholders/Sponsorship’s
  • Overseeing Quality Control
  • Management a Small Project Team
  • Setting Up New Systems & Tools

Niche #4: Content Production

  • Generating Topic Ideas
  • Topic Research
  • Creating a Content Calendar
  • Keyword Research
  • Source Photo’s / Images
  • Formatting & Editing
  • Scheduling Posts for Publications
  • Setting Featured Images

Related Reading: How To Become a Freelance Content Creator

Niche #5: Email Marketing

  • Designing Email Templates
  • Creating Autoresponder Series
  • Writing Weekly Newsletters
  • Track Email Campaigns
  • Clean Up Subscriber List
  • Creating Product Launch Emails
  • Email List Segregation

Niche #6: eCommerce Store Management

  • Create Store Front
  • Store Front Branding
  • Product SEO Optimization
  • Upload Product Images
  • Create Product Descriptions
  • Product Category Management
  • Set Up Fulfilling Systems
  • Set Up Refund Policies

Niche #7: Podcast Management

  • Submitting Podcasts to Directories
  • Script Writing
  • Outreach for Guest Interviews
  • Organize Episode Content
  • Outline Podcast Calendar
  • Schedule Content
  • Troubleshoot Recording Problems
  • Sound & Equipment Quality Control

Niche #8: Video Production

  • Writing Scripts
  • Producing Intro’s and Outro’s
  • Creating Images & Illustrations
  • Audio Quality Control
  • Adding Subtitles to Video Content
  • Creating a Content Creation Calendar
  • Scheduling Content
  • Monitoring Video Platform Policies

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Niche #9: Social Media Management

  • Content Creation
  • Content Scheduling
  • Community Management
  • Social Media Strategy Development
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Influencer Outreach
  • Hashtag Research and Management
  • Paid Advertising Campaign Management
  • Profile Optimization and Management

Niche #10: Finance

  • Bookkeeping
  • Expense Tracking
  • Invoicing and Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable Management
  • Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Financial Analysis
  • Tax Preparation Support
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Financial Reporting

Related Reading: How To Start a Bookkeeping Business With No Experience

Niche #11: Event Management

  • Venue Selection
  • Vendor Coordination
  • Guest List Management
  • RSVP Tracking
  • On-site Logistics Management
  • Theme Development
  • Decoration Coordination
  • Entertainment Booking
  • Audiovisual Equipment Management
  • Catering Coordination
  • Budget Management
  • Timeline Creation and Management
  • Post-Event Follow-Up

Niche #12: Website Creation

  • Domain Registration and Management
  • Website Security Enhancement
  • Website Design and Development
  • Plugin Installation and Configuration
  • Content Management
  • SEO Optimization
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media Integration
  • Website Maintenance
  • Analytics Tracking
  • Newsletter Setup and Management
  • Performance Optimization

Niche #13: SEO Services

  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO Optimization
  • Off-Page SEO (Link Building)
  • SEO Audit and Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Content Creation and Optimization
  • Local SEO Optimization
  • Technical SEO Implementation
  • SEO Reporting and Analysis
  • Schema Markup Implementation

Niche #14: Community Management

  • Content Scheduling and Posting
  • Member Engagement and Interaction
  • Moderation of Posts and Comments
  • Responding to Member Inquiries
  • Welcoming New Members
  • Enforcing Community Guidelines
  • Organizing and Promoting Events or Activities
  • Sharing Relevant Resources and Articles
  • Analyzing Group Insights and Metrics
  • Facilitating Discussions and Q&A Sessions
  • Collaborating with Admins and Moderators
  • Implementing Growth Strategies and Initiatives

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Niche #15: Research

  • Market Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Industry Trends Monitoring
  • Data Collection and Organization
  • Product Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Research
  • Social Media Research
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Vendor or Supplier Research
  • Academic or Literature Review
  • Financial Research

Niche #16: Travel Planning

  • Destination Research and Recommendations
  • Flight Booking and Itinerary Creation
  • Hotel or Accommodation Reservation
  • Transportation Arrangements
  • Activity and Tour Planning
  • Restaurant Reservations
  • Travel Insurance Coordination
  • Visa and Passport Assistance
  • Budget Management and Expense Tracking
  • Travel Documentation Preparation
  • Emergency Planning and Assistance
  • Travel Advisory Monitoring

Niche #17: Real Estate

  • Property Research and Listings Compilation
  • Lead Generation and Prospecting
  • Appointment Scheduling for Property Viewings
  • Coordination with Clients and Realtors
  • Market Analysis and Comparative Market Research
  • Drafting and Sending Property Contracts
  • Follow-Up on Leads and Client Inquiries
  • Property Listing Updates and Maintenance
  • Document Organization and Management
  • Assistance with Property Inspections
  • Coordination of Open House Events
  • Client Communication and Updates

More Niches

  • Health Care
  • Legal
  • Fitness & Wellness
  • Education
  • Art & Design
  • Nonprofit

So as you can see, this virtual assistant services list could go on and on.

You can keep digging and finding new niches, and then there will be niches within those niches, and then services and tasks listed under that niche.

If you open your mind and see the potential of the amount of services to offer as a virtual assistant, it’ll be very hard for you not to find a service which you can offer!

Do’s and Don’ts

To help you further, here’s a list of some do’s and don’t when deciding on what services to offer as a virtual assistant.


  • Identify Your Strengths: Choose services that align with your skills, experience, and interests. This ensures you can deliver high-quality work and enjoy what you do.
  • Research Demand: Look for services that have a high demand in the market. Research industry trends and client needs to identify areas where your services would be valuable.
  • Specialize: Consider specializing in a niche or specific set of services. This can help you stand out from competitors and attract clients who need specialized expertise.
  • Provide Value: Choose services that solve a problem or fulfill a need for your target clients. Focus on providing value and delivering results that help your clients achieve their goals.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with industry developments, new tools, and best practices related to your chosen service. Continuous learning and improvement can help you provide better service to your clients.


  • Over Commit: Avoid offering services that you’re not capable of delivering at a high standard. Overpromising and underdelivering can damage your reputation and harm your business in the long run.
  • Ignore Market Demand: Don’t choose services based solely on personal preference if there’s low demand in the market. It’s important to balance your interests with market demand to ensure a steady flow of clients.
  • Lack Focus: Don’t try to offer too many services or be a jack-of-all-trades. Focusing on a few key services allows you to specialize and excel in those areas, making you more attractive to potential clients.
  • Neglect Research: Don’t skip the research phase when choosing a service to offer. Thoroughly research the market, competition, and client needs to make informed decisions about which services to offer.
  • Underestimate Competition: Don’t underestimate the competition in your chosen niche. Take the time to analyze competitors, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to differentiate yourself in the market.

Final Thoughts

By following these guidelines, you can choose services to offer as a virtual assistant that align with your skills, market demand, and client needs, so you’ll be sure that you’re setting yourself up for success in your new virtual assistant business.

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