Is It Worth Being a Self Employed Cleaner?

7 Exciting Reasons Why You Should Become a Self Employed Cleaner

As someone who has been a self employed cleaner and has also ran several other home-based businesses, I can tell you from a place of experience that yes, becoming self employed can be challenging and scary at times, BUT it is also very very rewarding; and something you’ll definitely want to dip your toe into!

Is it worth being a self-employed cleaner?

So yes, it is worth becoming a self employed cleaner because it has so many benefits which easily outweigh any negatives. For example, you can choose where to clean, set your own hourly rate, choose the hours that you want to work and take a vacation whenever you want. Being self employed gives you the flexibility which you cannot get from a cleaning job.

Learn how to make $600 per week as a self employed cleaner.

Here are seven exciting reasons why you should become a self employed cleaner:

1. Work As Many Hours as You Choose

Whether you want to work part time or full time, or something in between, it’s totally up to you.

You will likely start off only working a few hours per week anyway when you first start building your customer base. And this is a great way to start, because house cleaning is quite a physical job and so you can use this time to determine how fit you are and how many hours per day you can physically dedicate to cleaning.

Then after a few weeks of carrying out cleaning jobs, you can decide if you want to add more hours.

2. Work When You Choose

As with working how many hours, you also have the flexibility to choose when you want to work.

Most self employed cleaners will choose not to work on a weekend. However, you might find that working on a weekend suits your lifestyle better.

Will you do your cleans around school hours? Or around an existing part-time job?

Decide when you want to work and then book your cleans in around those hours.

This will take the pressure off you as you’ll know that you don’t have to squeeze cleans in when you really don’t want to work those hours.

3. Set Your Own Hourly Rate

This is the most exciting aspect of becoming a self-employed cleaner – setting your own hourly rate!

To do this you’ll have to do some research in your local area and see what other independent cleaners are charging by the hour. Don’t look into large cleaning companies such as Mollie Maids where there is a cleaning team of two, you want to know the prices of other independent self employed cleaners.

When you have around four competitors prices at hand, then decide on your own hourly rate.

I would say at this point, please don’t try to undercut them. Undercutting your competitors screams out that you do shoddy work or you cut corners.

Either stay on par with your competitors or go slightly higher.

4. Set Your Weekly Income Level

Once you have your hourly rate set, you can then determine how much you want to make per week with your own house cleaning business.

Then do some reverse engineering.

So if you want to make $xxx a week, and you’ve set your hourly rate at $20 per hour (for example), how many hours of cleans will you have to do to reach your weekly income goal?

Your next goal would then be to do some marketing to fill your diary with that particular number of cleans!

5. Be Your Own Boss

Of course, one of the most desired reasons for becoming self employed is that you are your own boss.

This not only let’s you run your business as to how you wish, as outlined above, but it also gives you a sense of:

  • Achievement
  • Pride
  • Confidence
  • Self-Worth

Yes, running your own business can be challenging at times, but I believe that these positives outweigh the negatives.

6. Flexibility for Vacations

No need to run to the HR department to get the vacation slot that you want; you simply schedule your cleans around it!

Just make sure that you let your customers know in advance and give them plenty warning as to when you are going to take a vacation.

7. Build a Team

When you have been running your own house cleaning business for a while and are completely confident and at ease with it, then you could think about taking on another cleaner to help you with the workload and expaning your customer base.

Here you would be hiring a cleaner and taking a cut of her pay.

So for example, say you charge your customers $20 per clean, then you would send the cleaner off to do some extra cleans and pay her $16 per clean, with you keeping $4. So in essence you would be getting $4 per hour for doing nothing.

Add all these $4 up each day and each week, and you could easily make an extra $80 per week as pure passive income.

Add another cleaner to your team and you could double this!

Set Your Rules & Boundaries

The main take away from knowing if it is worth being a self employed cleaner is that you set all of your own rules and boundaries.

It’s your business, so you have complete control of your income, hours and flexibility.

The House Cleaning Business Roadmap

If you’ve decided that you would like to become a self employed cleaner but don’t know how, or have the confidence to get it all set up and launched, then my Home Business Roadmap ebook will show you the exact steps you need to take, and in what order.

You simply follow the steps (the roadmap) like one big checklist to get you set-up up from zero, all the way up to earning $600 per week.

>> Click here to learn more…




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